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TV, Radio, Web


  • BEN-HUR. UN ALTRO FILM, episode n. 20, November 16th. An Huffington Post podcast by Michele Bovi and Pasquale Panella, in which they talk about William Wyler’s kolossal also mentioning Enzo Musumeci Greco, Swordmaster on the set


  • FANTASTICO, (*) Rai 1, with Massimo Ranieri



  • PRONTO, CHI GIOCA?, (*) Rai 1, with Bruno Modugno

  • "RENAULT” TV COMMERCIAL, (*) directed by Paolo Taviani: Renzo Musumeci Greco is a fencer



  • DOMENICA IN, (*) Rai 1, with Pippo Baudo

  • SERENO VARIABILE, (*) Rai 2, with Osvaldo Bevilacqua



  • ANNA KULISCIOFF, (*) TV miniseries for Rai channel, directed by Roberto Guicciardini, with Marina Malfatti, Luigi Montini and Massimo Ghini



  • IL SIGNORE DI BALLANTRAE (THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE), (*) TV movie for Rai channel, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, with Giuseppe Pambieri



  • INSIEME, FACENDO FINTA DI NIENTE, (*) with Enza Sampò and Giancarlo Dettori




  • CARTESIO,  (*) TV miniseries, directed by Roberto Rossellini, with Ugo Cardea and Anne Pouchie



  • ADELCHI, (*) TV adaption of Alessandro Manzoni's theatrical play, directed by Orazio Costa Giovangigli, with Gabriele Lavia

  • MAIGRET IN PENSIONE, 3rd episode of TV series Le inchieste del commissario Maigret's 4th Season, with Gino Cervi

  • IL LADRO SOLITARIO, 2nd episode of TV series Le inchieste del commissario Maigret's 4th Season, with Gino Cervi

  • IL PAZZO DI BERGERAC, 1st episode of TV series Le inchieste del commissario Maigret's 4th Season, with Gino Cervi

  • IL GIOCO DELLE COSE, TV show for kids


  • LA MILIARDARIA, Rai channel's TV edition, directed by Giuliana Berlinguer, with Valeria Moriconi, Mariano Rigillo, Mario Valgoi, Paolo Graziosi and Milena Vukotic

  • JOE PETROSINO, TV miniseries for Rai channel, with Adolfo Celi and Mario Feliciani



  • LA TERZA ETÀ, Simone de Beauvoir's essay TV adaption

  • RITA 71, with Rita Pavone

  • CANZONISSIMA, by Antonello Falqui

  • CAROSELLO - “AMARO CORA” TV COMMERCIALS, directed by Antonio Moretti and Giorgio Rolfi, with Barbara Bach, Jean Sorel, Silvia Dionisio and Renato Rascel



  • IL MULINO DEL PO, 1971 edition of Rai channel's TV drama of the same name, directed by Sandro Bolchi

  • IL POLLICE, TV show for kids

  • IL SEGNO DEL COMANDO, TV drama for Rai channel, directed by Daniele D’Anza, with Ugo Pagliai, Carla Gravina, Massimo Girotti, Carlo Hintermann and Rossella Falk

  • LA STORIA DELL’ISLAM, (*) TV documentary, directed by Folco Quilici

  • UN CERTO HARRY BRENT, TV drama, directed by Leonardo Cortese, with Alberto Lupo and Claudia Giannotti



  • LE TERRE DEL SACRAMENTO, TV movie, directed by Silverio Blasi, with Paola Pitagora, Adalberto Maria Merli and Renato De Carmine

  • RAPIDO 416


  • LA FRECCIA NERA (THE BLACK ARROW), (*) TV miniseries, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, with Aldo Reggiani, Loretta Goggi and Arnoldo Foà

  • IL CORAGGIO, TV series Vivere insieme's episode, directed by Pietro Nelli, with Gianni Musy

  • L’INCORONAZIONE DI CARLO MAGNO, TV drama for Rai channel, directed by Piero Schivazappa, with Enzo Tarascio, Renato De Carmine and Paolo Graziosi

  • CASTIGO, directed by Primo Zeglio



  • NON CANTARE, SPARA, TV musical comedy, directed by Daniele D’Anza, with the "Quartetto Cetra"

  • PARTITISSIMA, TV show, with Alberto Lupo

  • IL TAPPABUCHI, TV show by Renzo Tarabusi and Giulio Scarnicci, directed by Vito Molinari, with Corrado, Raimondo Vianello and Sandra Mondaini

  • I PROMESSI SPOSI, TV miniseries, directed by Sandro Bolchi, with Nino Castelnuovo and Paola Pitagora

  • IL CIRCOLO PICKWICK (THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB), TV miniseries, directed by Ugo Gregoretti, with Mario Pisu, Gigi Proietti, Enzo Cerusico, Leopoldo Trieste, Gigi Ballista and Guido Alberti



  • CARAVAGGIO, TV miniseries for Rai channel, directed by Silverio Blasi, with Gian Maria Volonté and Carla Gravina


  • LE AVVENTURE DI LAURA STORM, TV series for Rai channel, directed by Camillo Mastrocinque, with Lauretta Masiero and Aldo Giuffré

  • IO, GIGLIOLA, TV show, with Gigliola Cinquetti




  • SCARAMOUCHE, TV drama, directed by Daniele D’Anza, with Domenico Modugno, Elsa Vazzoler and Carla Gravina

  • VITA DI DANTE, TV drama for Rai channel, directed by Vittorio Cottafavi, with Giorgio Albertazzi, Loretta Goggi and Renzo Palmer



  • GIULIO CESARE (THE TRAGEDY OF JULIUS CAESAR), TV adaption of William Shakespeare's theatre play, directed by Sandro Bolchi, with Antonio Battistella, Gigi Reder, Glauco Onorato and Mario Righetti

  • ULTIMA BOHEME, TV miniseries, directed by Silverio Blasi, with Edmonda Aldini and Walter Bentivegna

  • BIBLIOTECA DI STUDIO UNO: L’ODISSEA, 8th episode of Rai channel's TV series, directed by Antonello Falqui, with the "Quartetto Cetra"

  • LA VERITÀ SOSPETTA, TV adaption of Juan Ruzi de Alarcón's comedy La verdad sospechosa, directed by Edmo Fenoglio, with Franco Parenti, Giuliana Lojodice and Nando Gazzolo

  • I MISERABILI (LES MISÉRABLES), TV drama for Rai channel, directed by Sandro Bolchi, with Gastone Moschin, Tino Carraro and Giulia Lazzarini



  • BIBLIOTECA DI STUDIO UNO: I TRE MOSCHETTIERI, 3rd episode of Rai channel's TV series broadcast on "Programma Nazionale" channel, directed by Antonello Falqui, with the "Quartetto Cetra"

  • FOLLIE D’ESTATE, anthologic movie, directed by Carlo Infascelli and Edoardo Anton, with Walter Chiari, Renato Rascel, Ugo Tognazzi and Raimondo Vianello

  • ZA-BUM, TV show, directed by Mario Mattoli

  • PEP – PICCOLA ENCICLOPEDIA PANELLI, TV show, with Paolo Panelli

  • STUDIO UNO, TV show, directed by Antonello Falqui




  • LO STRATAGEMMA DEI BELLIMBUSTI (THE BEAUX' STRATAGEM), TV adaption of George Farquahr's play, with Permanent Company “I nuovi” directed by Guglielmo Morandi

  • LA CONVERSIONE DEL CAPITANO BRASSBOUND (CAPTAIN BRASSBOUND'S CONVERSION), Rai channel's TV edition of George Bernard Shaw's play, directed by Mario Ferrero, with Sergio Fantoni and Valentina Fortunato

  • PERIBAÑEZ E IL COMMENDATORE DI OCAÑA (PERIBÁÑEZ Y EL COMENDADOR DE OCAÑA), TV movie, directed by Claudio Fino, with Aldo Barberito, Giuseppe Caldani and Nino dal Fabbro

  • RITORNA IL TENENTE SHERIDAN, TV series for Rai channel, directed by Mario Landi, with Ubaldo Lay, Carlo Alighiero and Walter Maestosi




  • GIORNI FELICI (HAPPY DAYS), TV adaption of Samuel Beckett's play, with Permanent Company “I nuovi” directed by Guglielmo Morandi




  • THE TODAY SHOW, NBC, American talk show

  • QUANDO AMOR COMANDA, TV movie, directed by Vittorio Cottafavi, with Lia Angeleri, Sergio Bargone and Arnoldo Foà

  • RAPINA AL GRATTACIELO, 1st episode of the 2nd series of quiz-episodes broadcast on TV show Giallo Club. Invito al poliziesco, with Ubaldo Lay and Luisa Mattioli

  • GIALLO CLUB. INVITO AL POLIZIESCO, TV show broadcast on "Programma Nazionale" channel, directed by Stefano De Stefani and Guglielmo Morandi, hosted by Paolo Ferrari

  • IL MUSICHIERE, TV show broadcast on "Programma Nazionale" channel, directed by Antonello Falqui, hosted by Mario Riva




  • L’ISOLA DEL TESORO (TREASURE ISLAND), TV miniseries for Rai channel, dircted by Anton Giulio Majano, with Alvaro Piccardi, Ivo Garrani and Arnoldo Foà

  • IL MATTATORE, TV show broadcast on "Programma Nazionale" channel, directed by Daniele D’Anza, with Vittorio Gassman

  • IL VICARIO DI WAKEFIELD (THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD), TV miniseries, directed by Guglielmo Morandi, with Carlo D’Angelo, Alberto Lupo and Evi Maltagliati

  • CINEMA SEGRETO, TV documentary, directed by Odoardo Fiory




  • CAPITAN FRACASSA (LE CAPITAIN FRACASSE), TV miniseries for Rai channel, directed by Anton Giulio Majano, with Arnoldo Foà, Lea Massari, Nando Gazzolo, Leonardo Cortese, Ubaldo Lay, Giulia Lazzarini and Alberto Lupo

  • STASERA A RASCEL CITY, TV show, directed by Eros Macchi, written by Renato Rascel and Guido Leoni, with Tina De Mola, Mario Carotenuto and Ernesto Calindri

  • CANNE AL VENTO, TV miniseries for Rai channel, directed by Mario Landi, with Carlo D’Angelo, Cosetta Greco and Franco Interlenghi




  • TELEMATCH, TV game show for Rai channel, directed by Piero Turchetti, with Enzo Tortora, Silvio Noto and Renato Tagliani




  • ECCO LA SCHERMA, Sibilia & Procacci

  • RASCEL LA NUIT, musical revue, written by Guido Leoni and Dino Verde, directed by Romolo Siena, with Renato Rascel




  • THE THREE MUSKETEERS, American TV series, directed by Frank McDonald, Hugo Fregonese, Joseph Lerner, Mauro Bolognini and Nathan Juran, with Jeffrey Stone, Paul Campbell, Sebastian Cabot, George Gonneau and Domenico Modugno


(*)  Works done by Renzo Musumeci Greco in partnership with his father Enzo.

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